- 過度耽溺於性享樂的人
- 害怕失去魅力的人
- 曾遭受性創傷的人
- 性冷感的人(可與艾草並用)
- 有性問題的人
This plant's qualities can be used in treating sexual dysfunctions by restoring balance in the svadisthana chakra. It is especially useful for people whose subconscious requires them to constantly flirt with others, to indulge in sexual stimulation, to engage in extramarital affairs, and to frequently change sexual partners. It can also be used to treat cases of sexual frigidity. It will help you get back to your true self, and bring one’s sexual appetite back under control.
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$