- 單純的事,想得複雜而無法直心的表達的人
- 不敢表達自己的人
- 自我設限過多的人
- 渴望展現孩子初心的人
- 身體累、工作煩心、對人心裡七上下,怕自己做不好
- 心中有擔憂和焦慮,無法對人說出內在的想法
- 單純善良無法拒絶別人,而不說心裡話的孩子
Flowers that present the self with a straight heart: Simply being oneself, speaking plainly and sincerely
The energy of flower essences, golden yellow like the sun, gives people purity and straightforwardness, unfolding the courage and power of the innate nature of the self.
Some people limit themselves a great deal. An innately pure opinion incapable of being communicated clearly and directly with people because of anxiety complicates things imperceptibly.
The flower of the crowndaisy chrysanthemum makes us resemble children, filtering out superfluous complex thoughts, making us sincere and pure, able to express ourselves without pressure.
Suitable subjects: People who daren’t express themselves, people who think too much, people who limit themselves too much, people who yearn to allow their true self to unfold.
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