- 封鎖內在,不願對人提起的事,需要輕鬆自在、自處的人
- 心裡藏秘密,需要敞開溝通心事的青春期孩子
- 不想說的小秘密放心裡,需要對親人表達想法的孩子
- 內在封鎖、自閉,對外溝通有障礙,需要連結對外溝通的感知力的自閉遲緩兒
- 與外在環境有隔閡的人
- 上癮的人
- 陷入迷夢不可自拔的人
- 不喜歡社交生活,只喜歡自己「宅」在家的人
- 人見人愛的公關高手,但是內在有個害羞的小小孩被照顧著,只有自己知道
Flowers that overcome self-estrangement: Open up the link between the outside and the self.
Enable people to know their inner purity and beauty, opening up the sense of estrangement, connecting to the outside world.
Some people are closed in their own world, don’t understand the external world. Although they wish to understand, they feel as though there is a wall in front of them. They can’t come out of themselves, can’t connect to the outside. Much less can others enter their innermost being. Flower essences help people to break the siege, to cleanse the conscious space of the membrane of estrangement, enabling them to interact naturally with the outside.
Suitable for people who are estranged from the external environment, whose inner self is sealed, adults or children who are closed up, people with addictions, people caught in pipedreams from which they are unable to extricate themselves.
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$