- 對答應他人的事,希望內心遵從,並能信守承諾的人
- 想要完成心願,心力不足的人,希望自己能做到的孩子
- 心輪鎖住無法說出內心話的人
- 無法表達心靈感受的人
- 東想西想,想法複雜卻無法表達的人
- 想法放心裡沒有說出來的人
- 頭腦的念頭太多,阻礙內心真實聲音表達的人
- 努力工作的目標,是為了以後想退休過自由的心願
- 年輕時就一直希望想要當老師的心願,至今沒有完成
A flower that expresses sincerity: When sincerity is expressed, words and thoughts are united
A fine transparent light beam, naturally wrapping up the love from the heart. The light holds a delicate white cloud, protecting a pure, young merriment.
Opens the energy of the heart chakra, causing the heart to smile and tell of the power of love.
There are people whose hearts’ desires remain hidden in the depths of their innermost beings, but whose words and deeds often do not express their innermost thoughts, or in whose minds there are many thoughts that they don’t know how to articulate, or whose thoughts are complex but who haven’t perceived the true voice of their mind. If the heart chakra is locked tight one cannot experience the heart, one cannot utter sincere words. Essence of mazus pumilus (Burm. f.) Steenis returns to the power of the heart, enabling people’s words and thoughts to unite, with the result that they can utter sincere words purely and directly. The heart chakra relaxes, conveying the energy of blessings, causing the heart to smile and tell of love.
Suitable subjects: People who wish to accomplish their heart’s desires, people without enough strength, people whose heart chakra is locked and who cannot say the words that are in their hearts, people whose thoughts are in their hearts but have not been spoken, people whose brains are too full of ideas that impede their expression of sincere words.
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