彩鐘花氣 Purple canterbury bells
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$
- 使用紅利點數:點
- 腦部訊息混亂,容易不安煩躁的人
- 無法瞭解心靈世界的人
- 自我中心,觀念與想法固執,不懂變通的人
- 內心不安,尋求心靈的境界,需要祈求內心精神安定的人
- 靈性的覺醒,淨化深層內心的不安,需要在靈魂上尋求安定庇佑的修練者
- 在人群容易慌亂,沒有耐心,不安定
Flowers of spiritual awakening and knowledge: Open spiritual consciousness and a clear sense of the self.
Clearness, brightness and integrity can shake the spiritual consciousness of the heart, eliminate stubborn prejudices about the self, open the spiritual field of vision and the inner glory. She enables irritable, easily angered people to stabilize, depressed people to see hope, purifies anxious moods and ideas. The heart spurts brightness amid tranquility.
She enables people unfamiliar with the spiritual world to tap into wisdom, to enter inner stability with clear and bright senses, eliminating the ties of surface consciousness and external images. Enables overly sensitive people who are susceptible to environmental influences and whose moods are unbalanced, to perceive amid stability transforming and drifting elements of mood internally and externally.
Energy, like electric currents, marches up from below. The spirit awakes and clearly senses itself.
Suitable for people whose brain’s messages are confused, who are easily disturbed or irritable, people whose self-core, ideas and thinking are stubborn, who don’t understand flexibility.
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$